Home Treatment For Hives

Hives, also called urticaria, are an allergic reaction. unfortunately, the reaction can be almost anything, including cold, heat, and even emotional tension. unless you already have a good idea what is causing the hives or you have just taken a new drug, the doctor is unlikely to be able to determined the cause. most often, searching for a cause is fruitless. here is a list of some reason that are frequently mentioned as causes;

1. Drugs
2. Eggs
3. Milk
4. Wheat
5. Pork
6. Shellfish
7. Freshwater Fish
8. Cheese
9. Berries
10. Nuts
11. Pollens
12. Insect Bites

The only sure way to know whether one of these is the culprit is to expose the patient to it. the problem with this approach is that if an allergy does exist, the allergic reaction may include not only hives but also general reaction causing difficulty with breathing or circulation. as indicated by the decision chart, a systematic reaction is a potentially should be consulted immediately, avoid exposure to a suspected cause to see if the attacks cease. such a test is difficult to interpret because attacks of hives are often separated by long periods of time. actually, most of the people suffer only one attack, lasting from a period of minutes to weeks. finally, an occasional single hive on the arm or trunk is so common that it's considered normal and no significance.

Home Treatment:
Determined whether there has been any pattern to the appearance of the hives. do they appear after meals? after exposure to cold? during a particular season of the year? if there seem to be likely causes, eliminate them and see what happens. if the reactions seem to be related to foods, an alternative is available. lamb and rice virtually never cause allergic reactions. the person with hives may be placed on a diet consisting only of lamb and rice until completely free of hives. foods are then added back to the diet one at a time, and the person is observed fro a recurrence of hives. this is referred to as an elimination diet. itching may be relieved by applying cold compresses, taking acetaminophen, or trying antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or chlorpheniramine.

Are both of the following conditions present?
1. raised, flat lesions surrounded by redness
2. itching
* if yes, use home treatment
* if no, consider problem other than hives.

Is there shortness of breath, wheezing, or dizziness?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Did hives appear following use of medication?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is itching severe, prolonged, or accompanied by fever?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

11:46 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Head Injuries

Head injuries are potentially serious, but few lead to problem. a concussion or a head injury that has led to a loss of consciousness requires emergency care. if the skull isn't obviously damaged, bleeding inside the skull is the major concern. the accumulation of blood inside the skull may eventually put pressure on the brain and cause damage. fortunately, the valuable contents of the skull are carefully cushioned. careful observation is the most valuable tool for diagnosing serious head injury. usually this can be done as well at home as in the hospital; there is some risk either way, so it is your choice.

The question in the decision chart will help you distinguish between a brain injury, which can be serious, and a head injury, which usually isn't.

Home Treatment
Ice applied to a bruised area may minimize swelling, but "goose eggs" often develop anyway. the size of the bump doesn't indicate the severity of the injury. the initial observation period is crucial. symptoms of bleeding inside the head usually occur within the first 24 to 72 hours. check the patient every 2 hours duringthe first 24 hours, every 4 hours during the second 24, and every 8 hours during the third. look for the following symptoms;

* Loss of Alertness: Increase lethargy, unresponsiveness, and abnormally deep sleep can precede coma.
* Unequal pupil size after injury: about 25% of people have pupils that are slightly unequal all the time.
* Severe vomiting: the vomit may be ejected several feet.

In rare cases, slow bleeding inside the head may form a blood clot that produces chronic headache, persistent vomiting, or personality changes months after the injury. this is called a subdural hematoma.

Minor Injury
A typical minor head injury generally occurs when a child falls and hangs his or her head. a bump begins to develop. the child remains conscious, although initially stunned. for a few minutes, the child is inconsolable and may even vomit once or twice during the first couple of hours. the child is back to normal except for the tender "goose egg."

Severe Injury
In a more severe head injury, symptoms usually take longer to develop. two or more of the danger signs are often present at the same time. the individual remains lethargic and isn't easily aroused. a pupil may enlarge. vomiting is usually forceful, repeated, and progressive worse. if in doubt, call your doctor. because most of the accidents occur in the evening hours, the injury person will generally be asleep several hours after the accident. you can look in on the person periodically to check pulse, pupils, and arousability if you are concerned. with minor head bumps and no signs of brain injury, nighttime checking is usually not necessary.

Head Injuries

Have any of the following occured?
1. unconsciousness
2. patient cannot remember injury
3. seizure

* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Are any of the following present?
1. visual problems
2. bleeding from eyes, ears or mouth
3. fluid draining from nose
4. irregular breathing or heartbeat
5. child under 2 years old

* if yes, see a doctor
* if no,  use home treatment

6:15 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Eye Pain

Pain in the eye can be an important symptom and can't be safely ignored for long. fortunately it is an unusual complaint. itching and burning are more common. eye pain may be due to injury, infection, or an underlying disease. an important disease that can cause eye pain is glaucoma. glaucoma may slowly lead to blindness if not treated. in glaucoma, the fluid inside the eye is under abnormally high pressure, and the globe of the eye is tense, causing discomfort. vision to the sides is the first to be lost, gradually and almost imperceptibly, the field of vision narrows until the individual has "tunnel vision." in addition, a person often will see "halos" around lights. unfortunately, this sequence can occur even when there is no associated pain. eye pain is a nonspecific complaint, and question relating to the pain are often better answered under the more specific headings in this chapter. a feeling of tiredness in the eyes or some discomfort after a long period of fine work (eyestrain) is generally a minor problem and doesn't really qualify as eye pain. severe pain behind the eye may result to migraine headaches, and pain either above or below the eye may suggest sinus problems. pain in both eyes, particularly upon exposure to bright light, "photophobia," is common with many viral infection improves. more severe photophobia, particularly where only one eye is involved, may indicate inflammation of the deeper layers of the eye and requires a doctor.  

Home Treatment:
Except for eye pain associated with a viral illness or eyestrain, or minor discomfort that is more tiredness than pain, we don't recommend home treatment. in these case , resting the eyes, taking a few acetaminophen, and avoiding bright light may help. follow the chart to the discussion problems where appropriate. when symptoms persist, check them out in a routine appointment with your doctor. 

Eye Pain
Is the pain related to a sifnificant injury, or is a foreign body present?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is the pain an itching or burning sensation, or are the eyes runny?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is there any decrease in vision?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is the pain severe or prolonged beyond 48 hours?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is the pain more of a feeling of tiredness in the eyes, or are flu-like symptoms present?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Staring at a computer screen for a long time can cause eyestrain, irritation, blurred vision, and headaches. however, several studies conclude that these problems are temporary. to make them less likely:

1. Blink often, rest your eyes with momentary glances away from the screen, and use eye drops if necessary. staring at the screen tends to reduce your blinking and thus dry out our eyes.

2. Avoid glare from the screen by using indirect lighting, repositioning the screen, or using an anti-glare filter over it.

3. Make sure your monitor produces sharp, crisp images. fuzzy screen images increase eyestrain.

4. Get special glasses for your computer work if necessary. if you wear bifocals, you may be tilting your head at an uncomfortable angle to see the screen through the lower portion of your glasses.


10:55 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Aging Spots, Wrinkles & Baldness

Our aging skin presents a lot of superficial problems. this problems result from a combination of two factors:

1. As we age the skin loses its elasticity. it develops more scar tissue and doesn't spring back as quickly into a smooth contour.
2. Damage from the sun accumulates over our lifetime and causes additional problems in the sun- exposed areas of our body.

The aging skin lets air leak into the hair follicles so that the hair turns white. some or all hair follicles lose the ability to produce hairs at all, and hair thins or disappears. the loss of elasticity means that the skin tends to sag, and crinkles int the face turn into deeper, fixed wrinkles. In general, don't worry about these problems. the aging face is expressive of character. thinning hair and baldness aren't disease, nor are aging spots. aging spots are pigmentary changes in the skin without any medical significance. some cells lose the ability to produce the pigment melanin, whereas others produce a bit too much of it. these changes can be thought of as an adult form of freckles. as such, they are flat, uniformly brown or tan in color, and they are regular borders. if they are raised, irregular in outline, or have multiple colors in one spot (especially shades of red, white, and blue.).

Home Treatment:
Stay out of the sun and use a sunscreen. this is particularly important if you are fair-skinned because such skin is more prone to sun damage. outside of this precautions there isn't much you can do at home for these problems except not to worry about them and that is all that is really needed.

Plastic Surgery:
The plastic surgeon can take out wrinkles by removing skin and stretching the remaining skin tighter. may procedures are available. wrinkles around the eyes can be take out, as can bags under the eyes. a full face-lift tightens the skin over the entire face. sagging breast can be reduced in size and lifted. tucks can be taken in the tummy. liposuction can remove fat, although the result is usually a little lumpy. hair transplant can be partially effective in some people. again, in good hands, done by surgeon who performs the procedure often, these operations have low risk. however, they are expensive. there occasional serious complication. with some of the procedures you won't want to be seen in public for a week or so after the operation.

Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum, Fragrance Free, 1.7-Fluid OuncesMurad Environmental Shield Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Gel, 2: Treat/Repair, 1.0 fl oz (30 ml)

12:45 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment Of The Fifth Disease

Consider the strange case of  fifth disease, whose only claim to fame is that it might be mistaken for another disease. it is so named because it is always listed last (and least) among the five very common contagious rashes of childhood. its medical name, erythema infectiosum, is easily forgotten. It comes very close to not being a disease at all. it has no symptoms other than rash, has no complications, and needs no more treatment. it cab be recognized because it causes a characteristics "slapped cheek" appearance in children. the rash often begins on the cheeks and is later found on the backs of the arms and legs. it often is very fine. lacy, and pink. it tends to come and go and may be presents one moment and absent the next. it is prone to recur for days or even weeks, especially as a response to heat (such as warm bath or shower) or irritation. in general, however, the rash around the face will fade within four days of its appearance, and the rash on the rest of the body will fade within three to seven days.

The only significance of fifth disease is that it could worry you or have you make an avoidable trip to the doctor's office. its recent resurgence makes this more likely. it is very contagious. epidemics of fifth disease have resulted in unnecessary school closings. fith disease is caused by parvovirus; the incubation period is thought to be form 4 to 14 days.

Home Treatment:
There is no treatment. just watch and wait to make sure you are dealing with fifth disease. check that there is no fever. fever is very unusual with fifth disease. no restrictions on activities are necessary.

Are all of the following present?
No fever
Slapped cheek rash is the first and only symptom
Palms and soles are not involve
* if yes, use home treatment
* if yes, suspect problem other than the fifth disease. check skin problems

Remember that the fifth disease:
1. Rash begins on the cheeks and causes "slapped cheek" appearance
2. Rash spreads to backs of arms and legs
3. Rash tends to come and go, and may recur over a period of weeks

Fifth Disease: apart from rash, there are no symptoms.

12:38 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Smashed Fingers

Smashing fingers in car doors or deck drawers, or with hammers or baseball, is all too common. if the injury involves only the end segment of the finger (the terminal phalanx) and doesn't involve a significant cut, the help of the doctor is seldom needed. blood under the fingernail (sunbungual hematoma) is a painful problem that you can treat.

Joint Fractures
Fractures of the bone in the end segment of the fingers aren't treated unless they involve the joint. many doctors feel that it is unwise to splint the finger even if there is a fracture of the joint. although the splint will decrease pain. it may also increase the stiffness of the joint after healing. however, if the fracture isn't splinted, the pain may persist longer, and may end up with a stiff joint anyway. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of splinting with your doctor.

Dislocated Nails
Fingernails are often dislocated in these injuries. it isn't necessary to have the entire fingernail removed. the nail that is detached should be clipped off to avoid catching it on other objects. nails will take from four to six weeks to grow back

Home Treatment
If the injuries doesn't involve other parts of the finger and if the finger can be moved easily, apply an ice pack for swelling and use acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen for pain. 

Blood Under a Nail
Pain caused by a large amount of blood under the fingernail can often be relieved simply. the home remedy sounds terrible but it is very simple and can sometimes save the nail.

1. Bend open an ordinary paper clip and hold it with a pair of pliers.
2. Heat one end with a flame from a butane lighter or gas stove, steadying the hand holding the pliers with the opposite hand.
3. when the tip is very hot, touch it to the nail; it will melt its way through the fingernail., leaving a clean, small, painless hole. there is no need to press down hard. take your time, lifting the paper clip to see if you are through the nail; usually the blood will spurt a little when you are through. reheat the papaer clip if necessary.

The blood trapped beneath the nail can now escape through the small hole. and the pain will be relieved as the pressure is released. if the hole closes and the blood reaccumulates, the procedure can be repeated using the same hole once again.

Is the injury limited to the end section of the finger?
if no, see a doctor
if yes, use home treatment

Is the end of the finger deformed?
if no, use home treatment
if yes, see a doctor

Ingrown nails can be treated at home. cut the nail straight across so that it's corner can grow outside the skin. let the nail grow free by firmly pushing the skin back from the corner with a Q-tip twice a day. keep the area clean. for hangnails, keep them clean. don't chew on them. 

12:32 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Ankle Injuries

Ligaments are tissues that connect the bones of a joint to provide stability during the joint's action. when the ankle is twisted severely, either the ligament or the bone must give way. if the ligaments give way, they may be stretched (strained), partially torn (sprained), or completely torn (torn ligaments). if the ligaments don't give way, one of the bones around the ankle will break (fracture).

Strains, sprains, and even some minor fractures of the ankle will heal well with the home treatment. some torn ligaments do without a great deal of medical care; operations to repair them are rare. for practical purposes, the immediate attention of the doctor is necessary only when the injury has been severe enough to cause obvious fracture to the bones around the ankle or to cause a completely from ligament. this is indicated by a deformed joint with abnormal motion.

The typical ankle sprain swells either around the bony bump at the outside of the ankle or about two inches (5cm) in front of and below it. the amount of swelling doesn't differentiate among sprains, tears, and fractures.

A swollen ankle that isn't deformed doesn't need prolonged rest, casting, or x-rays. home treatment should be started promptly. detection of any damage to the ligaments may be difficult immediately after the injury if much swelling is present. because it is easier to do an adequate examination of the foot after the swelling has gone down and because no damage is done by resting a mild fracture or torn ligament, there is no need to rush to the doctor.

Pain tells you what to do and not to do. if it hurts, don't do it. if pain prevents any standing on the ankle after 24 hours, see a doctor. if little progress is being made so that pain makes weight- bearing difficult at 72 hours, see the doctor.

Home Treatment:
RIP is the key word:
1. rest
2. ice
3. protection
Rest the ankle and keep it elevated. apply ice in a towel to the injured area and leave it there for at least 30 minutes, if there's any evidence of swelling after the first 30 minutes, then apply ice for 30 minutes on and 15 minutes off through the next few hours. if the ankle stops being painful while elevated, you may cautiously try to put weight on the leg. if the ankle is still painful when bearing weight, you should avoid putting weight on that leg for the first 24 hours. heat may be applied, but only after 24 hours. an elastic bandage can help but won't prevent re-injury if you resume full activity. don't stretch the bandage so that it's very tight and interface with blood circulation. you generally shouldn't try taping on children; if it's done incorrectly, it may cut off circulation to the foot. the ankle should feel relatively normal in about ten days. be warned, however, that full healing won't take place for four to six weeks. if strenous activity, such as organized the ankle should be taped by someone experienced in this technique.

12:23 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Cuts

Most of cuts (laceration) affect only the skin and the fatty tissue beneath it and heal without permanent damage. however, injury to internal structures such as muscles, tendons, blood vessels, ligaments, or nerves can bring permanent damage. your doctor can now decrease this chance. these are the signs that normally call for a cut to be examined by a doctor:
--Bleeding that you can't control with pressure- this is an emergency
--Numbness or weakness in the limb beyond the wound
--Inability to move fingers or toes. Signs of infection- such as pus oozing from the wound, fever, or extensive redness and swelling- won't appear for at least 24 hours. bacteria need time to grow and multiply. if these signs do appear, you must consult a doctor.

The only purpose of stitching (suturing) a wound is to pull the edges together to hasten healing and minimize scarring. stitches injure tissue to some extend, so they aren't recommended if the wound can be held closed without them. stitching should be done within 8 hours of the injury. otherwise, the edges of the wound are less likely to heal together and germs are more likely to be trapped under the skin. stitching is often required in young children who are apt to pull off bandages, or in the areas that are subject to a great deal of motion, such as the fingers or joints.

Difficult Cuts
Unless the cut is very small or shallow, call your doctor about cuts in these areas:
-- on the chest, abdomen, or back
-- on the face- facial wounds can be disfiguring
-- on the palm- hand wounds can be difficult to treat if they become infected

Home Treatment:
Cleanse the wound. soap and water will do, but be vigorous. you may also need 3% hydrogen peroxide or a commercial antiseptic such as merthiolate. you make it sure that there"s no dirt, glass, or other foreign material remains in the wound.
The edges of a clean, minor cut can usually be held together by "butterfly" bandages or, preferably, by "steristrips" - strips of sterile paper tape. apply either of these bandages so that the edges of the wound join without "rolling under".
See a doctor if the edges of the wounds can't be kept together, if signs of infection appear (pus, fever, extensive redness and swelling), or if the cut's isn't healing well within two weeks.

12:19 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Bad Breath

Poor dental hygiene and smoking cause most cases of bad breath in adults. infections may also cause bad breath. recently it has been suggested that bad breath is occasionally due to gases absorbed from the intestine and released through the lungs. unfortunately, even if this is correct, it isn't clear what can be done about it. finally unusual problems such as abscesses of the lung or heavy worm infestations have been reported to cause bad breath, although we haven't seen these in our practices.  

Smoker's Breath  
The bad breath of smoking comes from the lungs as well as the mouth. thus, mouthwashes and breath fresheners do little to help smoker's breath. getting rid of this problem is another benefit of giving up cigarettes.

Morning Breath
Bad breath in the morning is very common in adults. flossing and regular tooth brushing should eliminate this problem.

In Children
A rare of prolonged bad breath in a child is a foreign in the nose. this is especially common in toddlers, who have inserted some small object that remains unnoticed. often, but not always, there is a white, yellowish, or bloody discharge from one nostril.

Home Treatment:
Proper dental hygiene, especially flossing, and avoiding smoking will prevent most causes of bad breath. of this doesn't eliminate the odor, a visit to the doctor or dentist may be helpful. mouthwashes that simply perfume the breath. these cover up but don't treat the underlying problem. if you smoke, bad breath is another good reason to quit.

Bad Breath
Does the person have mouth sores or a sore throat?
* if yes, take medicine for that
* if no, use home treatment

Is there a white, yellow, or bloody discharge from nostril?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is there a decaying tooth?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

12:14 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Roseola

Roseola is the most common in children under the age of three but may occur at any age. it's main significance lies in the sudden high fever, which may cause a convulsion. such a convulsion is due to he high temperature & doesn't indicate that the child has epilepsy. prompt treatment of the fever is essential.

How to Recognize Roseola?
Fever: There are usually several days of sustained high fever. sometimes this fever can trigger a convulsion or seizure. otherwise, the child appears well.

The Rash: The rash appears as the fever is decreasing or shortly after it is gone. it consist of pink, well-defined patches that turn white on pressure and first appear on the trunk. it may be slightly bumpy. it is spreads to involve the arms, legs and neck but is seldom prominent on the face or legs. the rash usually last less 24 hours.

Other Symptoms: occasionally there is a slight runny nose, red throat, or swollen glands at the back of the head, behind the ears, or in the neck. most often there are no other symptoms. the disease probably caused by the virus and is contagious. contact with others should be avoided until the fever has passed. the incubation period is from 7 to 17 days. encephalitis (infection of the brain) is a very rare complication of Roseola. roseola is basically a mild disease.

Home Treatment:
base on two principles, the first is effective treatment of the fever. the second is careful watching and waiting. the patient with roseola should appear well and have no other significant symptoms once the fever is controlled. if symptoms of ear infection (a complaint of ear pain or tugging at the ear) or cough occur, then the appropriate sections of this blog should be consulted. lethargy can be a warning sign of meningitis or encephalitis. if the problem is still not clear, a phone call to the doctor should help. remember that Roseola shouldn't last more than four to five day's. you should call your doctor if the symptoms persist.

12:07 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Sore Throat

Sore throats can be caused by viruses or bacteria. especially in the winter, breathing through the mouth can dry and irritate the throat. this type of irritation subsides quickly after the throat becomes moist again.

Sore Throat Viruses
Viral sore throat, like other viral infections, can't be treated successfully with antibiotics; they must run their course. pain relievers are often helpful. older children and adolescents may develop a viral sore throat known as infectious mononucleosis or "mono". it's also called "kissing disease" because the virus is spread through saliva. the monosore throat is often severe and lasts more than a week. the person may feel particularly weak, but complications seldom occur. resting is important. there is no antibiotic curer for this virus.

Strep Throat
Sore throats due to the streptococcal bacteria are commonly referred to as "strep throat". a strep throat should be treated with an antibiotic because of two types of complications, first, an abscess may form in the throat. this is an extremely rare complication but should suspected if a child shows great difficulty in swallowing or opening the mouth, or excessive drooling. the second and more significant type of complication occurs from one to four weeks after the throat pain disappears and takes one of two forms. one form, called acute glomerulonephritis, causes an inflammation of the kidney. it is isn't certain that antibiotics will prevent this complication. the other form is the greatest concern, is the complication of rheumatic fever, which is rare today but still a problem in some regions. rheumatic fever is a complicated disease that can result in painful, swollen joints; unusual skin rashes; and heart damage. rheumatic fever can be prevented by antibioitic treatment of a strep throat. strep throat is much less frequent in adults than in children, and rheumatic fever is very rare in adults. strep throat is unlikely if the sore throat is a minor part of  a typical cold (runny nose, stuffy ears, cough, and so on). the question of when to use antibiotics for sore throats is controversial. many doctors believe that a test for strep is the best way to determine the need for antibiotics. however, the test's accuracy has ranged from 31 to 98% in various studies. furthermore, many people are "strep carriers" they have strep in their throats, but the strep isn't causing illness. in the decision chart, the same symptoms that lead you to "call doctor today" are those that will make your doctor more likely to prescribe antibiotics.

Home Treatment:
Cold liquids, acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are effective for sore throat pain and fever. because recent information indicates an association between aspirin and a rare but serious problem known as reye's syndrome, children and teenagers shouldn't take aspirin or cold remedies containing it. home remedies that may help include saltwater gargles and tea with honey or lemon. time is the most important healer for pain. a vaporizer makes the waiting more comfortable for some.

Sore Throat
Is there severe difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, or excessive drooling in a young child?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, test for strep throat

Are any of the following condition present?
1. A temperature of 38'C or greater
2. Pus in the back of the throat
3. A red rash that feels like "sandpaper" increased redness in the skin creases, and a fever
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, test for strep throat

Is the person's age less than 35?
* if yes, test for strep throat
* if no, use home treatment

Are the person's tonsils swollen?
* if yes, test for strep throat
* if no, use home treatment

12:04 AM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment: Neck Pain

Most neck pain is due to strain and spasm of the neck muscles. the common crick in the neck upon arising is one example of neck muscle strain. this type of neck pain can be adequately treated at home. neck pains that require the attention of a doctor include those due to meningitis or a pinched nerve. 

With fever and headache, there is possibility of meningitis. it may cause intense spasms of the neck muscles and make the neck very stiff. more commonly, though, neck pain is part of a flu syndrome that includes fever, muscle aches, and headache. when generalized aching throughout the muscles is present, a visit to a doctor is seldom useful. when stiff neck is due to one of the more common causes of muscles spasm, the sufferer can usually touch the chin to the chest., though perhaps with difficulty. if in doubt, it is better to see the doctor for an ordinary muscle spasm than to attempt to treat meningitis at home.

Pinched Nerve:
Arthritis or injury to the neck can result in a pinched nerve. when this is the source of neck pain, the pain may extend down the arm, or there may be numbness or tingling sensations in the arm or hand. this pain is only on one side, and neck stiffness is not prominent.

Home Treatment:
Neck pain in the morning may be due to poor sleeping habits. sleep on firm surface; a firm mattress firmer. stop using a pillow that keep the head from twisting without raising it. if you fold an ordinary bath towel lengthwise into a long strip four inches (10cm) wide, wrap it around the neck at bedtime, and secure it with tape or a safety pin, the overnight relief is often striking. warmth may be of benefit in relieving spasms and pain. heat may be applied with hot shower, hot compress, or a heating pad. heat may be used as often as practical, but don't burn the skin. aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen will help relieve pain and inflammation. neck pain, like back pain, is slow to improve and may take several weeks to completely resolve. if pain doesn't lessen in a week, call a doctor.

 Neck Pain:
1. Is this pain associated with fever and headache, or is the neck so stiff that the chin cannot be touched to the chest.
* if yes, see a doctor
*if no, use home treatment

2. Does the pain travel down one arm, or is there numbness or tingling in the arms?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

11:56 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment Dandruff And Cradle Cap

Although they look different. cradle cap and dandruff are really part of the same problem, it's medical term is seborrhea. oil glands in the skin become stimulated by adult hormones. leading to oiliness and flaking of the scalp. this occurs in infants cause of exposure to the mother's hormones and in older children when they begin to make their own adult hormones. the problem also occurs between infancy and puberty, and once a child has the problem, it tends to recur. 

Look- alike Problems:
occasionally this condition is mistaken for ringworm of the scalp. careful attention to the conditions listed in the decision chart will usually avoid this confusion. remember also that ringworm would be unusual in the newborn and very young child. another potentially confusing problem is psoriasis. this condition resembles seborrhea somewhat but often stops at the hairline. the scales of psoriasis are on top of raised lesions called PLAQUES, WHICH ISN'T THE CASE IN SEBORRHEA.

Cradle Cap
Home Treatment:
Many widely available anti-dandruff shampoos are helpful in mild to moderate cases of dandruff. for severe and more stubborn case there are some less well- known but effective over-the-counter shampoos that contains selenium sulfide. selsun (available only in prescription) and selsun blue are examples of such shampoos. over-the-counter preparations, while weaker, are just as good if you apply them more liberally and frequently. cradle cap is best treated with a soft scrub brush. if it is thick, rub in warm baby oil, cover with a warm towel, and soak for 15 minutes. use a fine tooth comb or scrub brush to help remove the scales. then shampoo with sebulex or one of the other preparations listed above. be careful to avoid getting shampoo in the eyes. no matter what you do, the problem will often return, and you may have to repeat the treatment. if the problem gets worse despite home treatment over several weeks, see the doctor.

10:50 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Chiggers

Chiggers, like ticks, are a small hazard of nature. anyone who grew up in the areas where they are common can testify to how excruciating the itch from chigger's bites can be. Chiggers are small red mites, sometimes called "red bugs", that live on grasses and shrubs. their bite contains a chemical that eats away at the skin, causing a tremendous itch. usually the small red sores are around the belt line or other openings in the clothes. careful inspection may reveal the tiny red larvae in the center of the itching sore.

Home Treatment:
Chiggers are better avoided than treated. using insect repellents, wearing appropriate clothing, and bathing after exposure help to cut down on the frequency of bites. once you get them, they itch, often for several weeks. keep the sores clean and soak them with warm water twice daily. cuprex, RID, and A200 applied immediately may help kill the larvae, but the itch will persist.
Corticosteroid creams (Cortaid, Lanacort, etc.) may be tried but are usually not much help don't use these creams for a long time without doctor's advice. nail polish is said to give relief from itching, but we aren't aware of scientific evaluations of it's effect. 

10:46 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Ringworm

Worms have nothing whatsoever to do with this condition. ringworm is a shallow fungus infection of the skin. the designation "ringworm" derives from the characteristic red ring that appears on the skin.
ringworm can generally be recognized by its pattern of development. the lesion begins with a small, round, red spots and get progressively larger. when they are about the size of a pea, the center begins to clear. when the lesions are about the size of a dime., they will have appearance of a ring. the border will be red, elevated and scaly. often there are groups of infections so close to one    another that it is difficult to recognized them as individual rings.

Ringworm may also affect the scalp or nails. these infections are more difficult to treat but, fortunately, are not seen very often. ringworm epidemics of the scalp were common many years ago.

Home Treatment
Tolnaftate (tinactin, etc.), miconazole (micatin, etc.) and clotrimazole (lotrimin, etc.) applied to the skin are effective treatments for ringworm. they are available in cream, solution, and powder and can be purchased over-the-counter. either the cream ir the solution should applied two or three times a day. only a small amount is required for each application. selsun blue shampoo, applied as a cream several times a day, will often do the job and is less expensive. resolving this problem may take several weeks, but you should see improvement within one week. ringworm that either shows no improvement after a week of therapy or continues to spread should be checked by a doctor.

Are all of the following conditions present?
1. rash begins as a small red, colorless, or depigmented circle that becomes progressively larger.
2. the circular border is elevated and perhaps scaly.
3. the center of the circle begins healing as the circle becomes larger.
*if no, suspect problem other than ringworm
* if yes, use home treatment

Is the scalp infected?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

10:41 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment: Difficult Periods

Adverse mood changes and fluid retention are very common in the days just prior to a menstrual period. such problems are vexing and can be difficult to treat but are a result of normal hormonal variations during the menstrual cycle. the menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman. periods may be regular, irregular, light, heavy, painful, pain- free, long, or short, and yet still be normal. the rhythm of a menstrual cycle is medically less significant than bleeding, pain, or discharge between periods.only when problems are severe or recur for several months is medical attention required. the doctor can find such problems as endometriosis- the presence of the soft of tissue that line the uterus in other parts of the body, where it can cause problems, emergency treatment is seldom needed.

Home Treatment:
We believe that diuretics (pills that help the body get rid of fluids through increased urination) and hormones are rarely needed. as we have said in other pages of this blog, we prefer the simple and natural to the complex and artificial. we have all too frequently seen hormone treatment lead to mood changes that are worse than premenstrual tension, and diuretics lead to potassium loss, gouty arthritis, and psychological drug dependency. salts tends to hold fluids in the tissues. the most natural way to start fluids move is to cut down on salt intake. in the U.S, the typical diet has ten times the required amount of salt. many authorities feel that this is one cause of high blood pressure and arteriosclesis. if you can eliminate some salt, you may have less swelling and fluid retention. if food tastes flat without salt, try using lemon juice as a substitute. commercial salt substitutes are also satisfactory. products with the word "sodium" or the chemical symbol "na" anywhere in the list of ingredients contain salt.

For menstrual cramps, use ibuprofen like advil etc,  naproxen or aspirin. products claimed to be designed for menstrual cramps (such as midol) now have ibuprofen as the main ingredient. many patients swear such compounds, and they are fine if you want to pay the premium. we don't understand why, on a scientific basis, they should be any better than plain ibuprofen or naproxen is usually most effective, but sometimes aspirin or acetaminophen may be preferred.

Difficult Periods:
Is the problem premenstrual tension or fluid retention?
* if yes, use home treatment
* if no, use home treatment also

Has the bleeding been heavy for several months?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is the pain severe, and has the pain failed to respond to home treatment?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

10:34 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Vagina Discharge

Abnormal discharge from the vagina is common but shouldn't be confused with the normal vaginal secretion's, which are thin, clear, and painless. some of the many possible causes require the doctor.
The problem may be treated at home for a time if:
- The discharge is slight, doesn't hurt or itch, & isn't chessy, smelly, or bloody
- There is no possibility of a venereal disease
- The patient is past puberty.

 Signs of Trouble:
Abnormal pain suggests the possibility of serious disease, ranging from gonorrhea to an ectopic pregnancy in the fallopian tube. bloody discharge between periods, if reccurent or significant in amount, suggests much the same. discharge in a girl before puberty is rare and should be evaluated.
If sexual contact in the past few weeks might possible have resulted in a venereal disease, the doctor must seen, don't be afraid to take this problem to the doctor. be frank in naming your sexual contacts, for their own benefit. information will be kept confidential, and the doctor will not embarass you, doctors are commonly confronted with this situation.

Home Treatment:
 Hygiene & patience are the home remedies. if you have a discharge, douche daily & following intercourse with a betadine solution (two tablespoons to a quart of water, or 30ml to a liter) or baking soda (one teaspoon to a quart, or 5ml to a liter). if the discharge persists despite treatment for more than two weeks or becomes worse, see the doctor. do not douche for 24 hours prior to seeing the doctor.
Medication active against yeast (monistat, etc) are now available without prescription.

Some signs that may indicate an abnormal vaginal discharge and infection

10:26 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Patchy Loss of Skin Color

Seeing patches of paler skin on yourself or your child can be unnerving. luckily, this condition is usually temporary and harmless. children are constantly getting minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, and minor skin infections. during the healing process it is common for the skin to lose some of its color with time, the skin coloring generally returns. occasionally ringworm, a fungal infection, will begin as a small round area of scalling with associated loss of skin color. in the summertime, many children have small round spots on the face in which there is little color. the spots have probably been present for some time,but the skin doesn't tan in these areas, thus making them visible. this condition is known as pityriasis alba. the cause is unknown, but it is mild condition of cosmetic concern only. it may take many months to disappear and may recur, but there are virtually never any long term effect. if there are slightly scaly, tan, pink and white patches on the neck or back, the problem is most likely due to a fungal infection known as tinea versicolor. this is very minor and superficial fungal infection.  

Home Treatment:
Waiting is the most effective home treatment for loss of skin color. tinea versicolor can be treated by applying selsun blue shampoo to the affected area once a day or so until the lesions are gone. Tolnaftate (tinactin), Miconazole (micatin), and clotrimazole (lotrimin, etc.) lotions or creams are also effective. unfortunately, tinea versicolor almost always comes back no matter what type of treatment is used.

Patchy Skin Color
Are the following conditions present?
1. Scaling edges
2. Circular enlarging
3. Clearing of center
* if yes, it must be a ringworm
* if no, see a doctor

Are the following conditions present?
1. Lightly scaled, tan, pink, or white confluent patches
2. Confined to the neck and upper back
* if yes, use home treatment
* if no, see a doctor

Are the following conditions present?
1. White scaly patches on face
2. More noticeable with suntan
3. No signs of infection (crusting, redness, oozing, or fever)
* if yes, use home treatment
* if no, see a doctor

Does loss of skin color follow cut or infection?
* if yes, use home treatment
* if no, see a doctor

9:09 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Dark Circle Under Your Eyes

Anyone who has dark circles will know how ghastly they look. Not only do dark circles diminish the glow on the face but they can also make you look perpetually tired. However, if you are plagued with dark circles, you can try out some time tested dark circle home remedies which are bound to work.
Dark Circle Cure in Your Larder

1. Potatoes to the Rescue – The humble potato is known to effectively lighten dark circles. You can cut thin slices from a medium size potato and place them on your eyes. Keep the slices on for 20 minutes and follow this routine every day until the dark circles fade away. You can also grate a potato and place it in a muslin cloth, making small eyes pads. Use these pads on the eyes, for a perfect home remedy against dark circles.

2. Tea Bags for the Eyes – Are you finished having your cup of tea? Don’t throw away the tea bag; instead, cool and refrigerate the bag. Use the tea bag as an eye pad to permanently diminish dark circles. Remember to always cool the bag before using on the eye.

3. Rose Water for Dark Circles – Rose water is the extract obtained from rose petals; it is similar to essence, but less concentrated. Cut cotton into 2” by 2” squares and soak the in rose water. Refrigerate, or better still freeze the soaked cotton pads. Use these pads over the eyes for lightening dark circles and relaxing the eyes.
4. Almond Oil, the Magic Potion – Apply pure almond oil around your eyes. Almond oil is known to have properties which fade away dark circles. Use the ring finger to gently apply almond oil around the eyes. While applying the oil, gently move the finger from the inside of the eye to the outside corner. Leave the oil on for 15 minutes and wipe it off using a wet tissue or damp cotton balls.
Having a good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours is helpful in removing fatigue and stress related dark circles. A balanced diet is also very crucial. Ensure that you have a diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink 6–8 glasses of water per day. Water is essential in keeping the body hydrated and the skin around the eye supple.

Home remedies are effective, but can take a long time to work. For quick relief from dark circles use eyelasticity cream. Eyelasticity can be ordered online at eyelasticity.com

8:56 PM | Posted in | Read More »

Home Treatment For Elbow Pain

Aside from injuries, the main causes of elbow pain are BURSITIS and TENNIS ELBOW 

The elbow bursa is a fluid- filled sac located right at the tip of the elbow. when it is irritated, the amount of fluid increases, causing a swelling that looks very much like a small egg right at the end of the elbow. the swelling is the cause of discomfort. there should be no fever and only a little redness, if any.

Tennis Elbow
Of the cases of tennis elbow that reach the doctor's office, less than are actually associated with playing tennis. the rest usually result from work that requires a twisting motion of the arm-- such as using a screwdriver-- or have no obvious cause. the doctor's help is needed only for prolonged cases that don't get better; perhaps one person in 1,000 needs such help.

The diagnostic of tennis elbow doesn't depend on tests or special examinations. tennis elbow is simply defined as a pain in the lateral (outer) portion of the elbow and upper forearm. the pain occurs after repeatedly rolling or twisting the forearm, wrist and hand. tennis elbow is usually caused by the tremendous impact transmitted to the backhand motion. the risk that this force will increase tennis elbow is raised by:

* Hitting the ball with the elbow bent rather than locked in a position of strength.
* Trying to put top spin on the ball by rolling the wrist on contract (this doesn't work)
* Holding the thumb behind the racket
* Using a racket that is head- heavy, especially a wood racket
* using heavier balls, such as those of foreign make or the pressureless type.
* Using a very stiff racket

According to the experts, the most important preventive measure for tennis players is to use a two- handed backhand stroke.

Home Treatment:
Bursitis of the elbow is turned very much like bursitis of the shoulder. at the first sign of tennis elbow, you should, of course, take preventive measures. but suppose that you already use a two handed backhand, have switched to alight and supple metal racket, and so on. or suppose your job or favorite hobby requires repeated use of screwdrivers or other tools that aggravate the problem. what now? resting the arm will surely make it hurts less, but most likely taking two weeks off won't cure it forever. interestingly, most authorities now think that you can "play with the pain" and not cause permanent injury.

We advocate a commonsense approach to tennis elbow; cut down on your playing time. when you do play, warm up slowly and do some stretching exercises of the wrist and elbow before you begin to hit the ball. using a tennis elbow strap may help. applying ice after playing may also help.

Is the pain due to an injury?
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Are any of the following present?
a. fever
b. swelling & redness
c. inability to use the joint
* if yes, see a doctor
* if no, use home treatment

Is the pain associated with sports or physical activity involving use of the elbow?
* if no, see a doctor
* if yes, use home treatment

8:17 PM | Posted in | Read More »

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